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Monday, May 24, 2010

Better Lost

I want to go on record by saying I have seen approximately 1/2 of an episode of Lost. Ever.

But that does not mean that my ideas don't have any ground to stand on. I am, after all, freaking awesome, and anything that comes out of my brain should probably be patented.

Suggestion 1:

Space. Everything is better if it happens in space. Maybe the island (islands are retarded btw) should have been some kind of derelict space ship from like 10,000 years ago. People eat that shit up.

Suggestion 2:

Maybe not so much of the drama. Stop acting like you are concerned about trivial shit when you are on an island fighting for your survival. Heros did the same shit. You have an effing superpower! Stop trying to decide what is the "moral thing to do" and start flying around battling each other and/or evil. Ok, this one is more about Heros than Lost. Maybe lost should have had some superpowers thrown in there.

Suggestion 3:


Suggestion 4:

So, apparently (and I am hearing this word-of-mouth since the 1/2 of an episode I watched was from season 1) the whole thing was a purgetory type deal? Really? So that's it? Good guys, go through the door labeled heaven, bad guys, please proceed down the hall to the stairway to hell. (Maybe the stairway should be to heaven. Whatever).

Here is a much better, and exponentially more satisfying way to finish of the Lost series: Dinosaurs. No. Dinosaur. Just one. You can still have a 2 hour episode where the whole thing is just building up to something epic in the last 15 minutes. Everyone will be like "OMG, questions finally answered after this commercial break." Thats when the dinosaur comes out.

BAM! He just starts eating everyone til they are dead. All of them. That way we can all rest easy knowing that the series will never be resurrected when the creators run out of money.

Oh and the dinosaur is definitely going to be wearing a t-shirt. Just to throw everyone off. Its bad enough that a random dinosaur kills your show into submission, but a dinosaur in a t-shirt is, in my opinion, the perfect slap in the face.


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